Hemi m Maori Maori form of James. Moke: The name translates to Born of. Lulu connotes a fiery, irresistible personality. The name Kalauni has its origin in Tonga. (Although youd be surprised by some of the names Samoans give their kids. This sweetly captivating name likewise has a sweet meaning to it. Elisapeta. Kalei: This name means One who works for the King.. Hi jjw, its definitely Eline, I have other family members named after my deceased aunty. If you have a reserved and shy baby, this beautiful name will suit her perfectly. Tusitala: This is a literary name and it means teller of tales or story writer. 26. This name is so cute. Related to the name Talia, this name is made up of three words: When someone gives you a gift, or a meal or does something kind for you, Samoans call that love alofa. Malosi: In Samoan, Malosi means strength.. Among Samoan girl names, one that is quite popular is the name Tamah. Nuihau: Tahitian name for boy or girl, which means: great peace., 6. Okay, please bear with me while I try to explain why I love it so much :). Thank you so much for the reply! Kaneeta: This Polynesian name means Sound.. We are currently looking at Blake Manaia Grace. Google translate says they which seems random. Abich: This famous Polynesian name means a nobleman. Are you looking for a cute unique name to gift your little one? 14. Second, saafia doesnt sound too different from Sophia so its not completely unfamiliar and because afi is our word for fire, the name also reminds me of the word Saphire, which is pretty, too, right? One of my cousins middle name is Moana, meaning ocean. Okay, lets get to this list of pretty sounding Samoan names for girls that have nice meanings, too! Teuila: Teuila, pronounced as 'tay Wee Lah', is one of the prettiest Samoan names. Derived from lupe meaning a kind of pigeon and sina meaning "white, silver, grey". Let me tell you that being attractive and thought provoking is the game these days. Alanah: This name means Precious, it is also interpreted to mean Awakening. If youre looking for the perfect name for your baby girl, Samoan Girl Names are innately beautiful and are rooted in mesmerizing, interesting meanings. This name is said to be a small part of a longer Samoan name, namely Lanueseese. Lanuola is composed of two words from the Samoan language: Lanu, which means color, and Ola, which means life. A name of three letters whose meaning is said to be excellence or high, In Samoan, Amataga means Omega or Beginning. 2. It could be like a message to your new baby that someone special is up in the Heavens hanging out with Jesus looking out for him or her. It is listed outside of the top . 20. Nohealani: This Polynesian name means Beauty from Heaven. Samoan name generator. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Lupe is our word for the pidgeon (bird), but sina refers to something being white, or even something that is pretty close to sacredso , my conclusion is that lupesina is our word for the white dove. This is only a portion of a couple of longer title (matai) names, but taken out of context, its literal translation is living color: The traditional art of decorating fabric in Samoa involves carving patterns into blocks of wood, inking them and pressing them onto the fabric. Aperira is the Maori form of April. Laei Derived from the Samoan term that refers to a love of clothing. 21. Talia Comes from the Samoan word faatali and means to wait. Atamai. especially to honour a name that carries with it the mana of your Samoan ancestry. 16. Aitonui: This is similar to the Aitoarii; meaning Great Warrior.. Enele: There is no known meaning for this name. Oh, and in case anyone reading this is not sure about pronunciation, its pretty straight forward (listen out for it in the song). 9. Poehere Another name associated with pearl, this name means pearl of love. Since roses come in various colors, shapes, and types, this is also a great name to symbolize the uniqueness of your baby girl. Kaneli Means canary yellow and is of Tongan origin. Talia [ta'li:a] 10. Aitoarii: This is a strong name meaning Royal Warrior. Makani: Almost the same meaning as Keanu, this name means Wind. Mele Actually, when I was expecting my 3rd daughter my husbands uncle who is Samoan said that Leilani is a Samoan name as well.Sorry for the loss of your son. The meaning of this Samoan girl name may not seem overly pleasing upon the first impression, as Emere carries the meaning of rival. Still, it can also encourage a healthy sense of competition in your little one and inspire her to be her best in everything she chooses to do. Alofa: This lovely name means 'Love'. 7. Kapena: This name is translated to mean Captain.. So if you can handle pronouncing the glottal stop in the middle of this word, and you arent scared of predisposing your daughter to a love of fashion, then this is the name for you! It is also translated to mean Shining Forth., 1. This word refers to a pleasant and love-able personality someone who is kind and good and well-mannered. 1. Same difference..hahaha. Nana: Nana has a lot of meanings. The name Laei is daintily elegant, and at the same time, conveys an innate stylishness to it. Choose the best name for your child . Samoan Baby Names For Girls: 1. Asoese: A name like Asoese is quite uncommon, but it definitely has a beautiful complexity to it. Aalto - Scandinavian name meaning "wave." Aegir - Old Norse sea god. Keola: In Samoan, Keola means Life, it can also be translated to mean Health., 17. 22. For a girl name: Laurosa rose petal and Maasoama beryl stone. Kidadl is the best place to find free ideas for family fun and activity-based learning, whether you're staying at home or venturing out and about with kids. That sucked. A lot of our names come from chiefly titles, or our higher Samoan language, so theyll often have more than one meaning a simple, everyday meaning, and then a deeper, more poetic meaning, usually based on their family history. Continue with Recommended Cookies, My mom delved into the family history and over a few days she came up with a list of names. Lilo: This name means Generous One., Read Also:170+ Modern Islamic Baby Girls Names. Taraihau: This Tahitian name can be translated as: extend peace., 7. Okay, one more name that is related to Taliaand this one is my absolute favourite. Manaia is said to mean beautiful, nice, as well, as good. Its a lovely, straightforward Samoan baby girl name. Only he (or his family) can confirm that for you. Lotte - (LAW-t or LAO-Tah) Means "free" (diminutive of Lieselotte) Maaike - (MIE-keh) Means "as Mary" Is an old-fashioned Dutch girl name. Hello to you too Sinaleavele, there may be a special meaning to the name in your family line, but when EL precedes a name Its Not, So E le or El means Not. It's also the name of the biggest cultural festival in Upolu. Amataga. Ma = For, Laua = They or Them. This Samoan girl name carries the meaning of different day, and much like its meaning, Asoese is a unique name you can consider for your daughter. Most Samoan names are unisex (the ones I posted here just sound more feminine to the Western ear) so its absolutely fine to give this name to your daughter. This one is a mouthful, for sure but bear with me, because it is beautiful. The meaning of the name "Sefina" is: "Samoan feminine variant of he will add". Konane: This is a powerful Polynesian name that translates to Glow like moonlight. may be for you guys. That's why some of our cookies look the same but have two different names. 28. Surnames. Luane: Every lady young or old, will love this name. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Vasa: In Samoan, Vasa means Ocean or Sea. Teuila: This is a beautiful Samoan name for a famous flower called red ginger in the English language. Teuila Pronounced as tay Wee Lah and means beautiful red flower and beautiful ginger flower. You should ask your student if he or someone in his family is willing to share with you any other, more accurate meanings for his name. This article was first posted 13 Feb 2013 on our previous website: One Samoana. Every girl is a princess of their father. A lovely name that means "love" in Maori. Means "falling tears" in Samoan. In my positions as a Childminder and Teaching Assistant, I have studied Child Development and The Early Years Developing Practice. The word has the meaning kind and noble, which represents a caring, dignified, and compassionate soul. Keanu: This is the name of a famous Hollywood actor; the name means Breeze. While searching Polynesian girl names, you'll notice a few longer options like Nohealani, a gorgeous find meaning "beauty from heaven.". This name has a regal meaning of royal crown, which is perfect for your baby girl. It is a popular Dutch girl name for parents to consider. Nice name for boy or girl, literally meaning darling crown in the Tahitian language, Mixed Tahitian name composed of two parts: Hau: peaceful / peace and Mana: power/spirit, this name evokes: peaceful spirit, spirit of peace, or power of peace, This is a nice Polynesian name for girl or boy, meaning: big crown., Tahitian name for boy or girl, which means: great peace., This Tahitian name can be translated as: extend peace., Symbol of a union, this beautiful name means: our love in the Tahitian language, mixed beautiful Tahitian name means long wait.. Any ideas as to the meaning? Ala is a Samoan girl name that is very short and very, very sweet sounding. 14. Manaia This very cute Samoan surname that actually means "beautiful or good". They let their talking chiefs (tulafale) do all the deliberating and will only make the final decisions, which they pass along to their tulafale to announce. Elei [e'lei] 4. While this name can be a bit of a challenge to spell and pronounce, it is beautiful and unique and would leave a lasting impression. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gatoloaifaana Amataga Alesana-Gidlow is a Samoan politician and matai. Its amongst one of the known rising baby boy names in Cook Island. I got teased a lot. . The word has the meaning kind and noble, which represents a caring, dignified, and compassionate soul. Elei A name that reflects Samoan tradition and culture. Bakeries even use different names for the three cookies, even though they are essentially the same cookie. . 6. Ariihau: Another powerful Tahitian baby name which is composed of Arii, meaning King, and Hau, meaning Peace or King of Peace. Salamasina: This name has no interpreted meaning, but it is believed to be named after an ancient personality who was known for her strength and goodwill. Aroha. Hehu: The name has a Maori origin name, which translates to rescued by God. Isileli: A boys name that means strength. I know I know.. Dont you just love the name? Can anyone tell me what that means, if it is Samoan? Tala: In Samoan, Tala means story. Talialealofa [ta'lialea'lfa] 12. . The name Tamah is said to mean honest and innocent. A few adorable nicknames you can likewise use are Timmi and Tammy.. Still, I love the meaning heavenly flower and child of god. Especially given your story. lagi = Heaven (as in, where God lives (not just the sky)). "Someone at my job shared their child's Girl Scout cookie online order link and the only sold out cookie is Samoas," one Twitter user posted on March 1. Hi there. It is also the Samoan version of Noah, meaning repose, rest. Hauata: This is a cute Tahitian name that means Cloud of Peace or Peaceful Cloud. Alanis: This name means precious, awakening. Hello! If you can, definitely connect with elders in your family to see if they know the story behind Eline. Mana: Another beautiful Polynesian name that means Spirit., 25. It has a regal meaning as well. 2. Here are some amazing Polynesian girl names for little one: 1. She might not be the popular girl with a perfect chocolate coating minty snap, but she's definitely the Lizzie McGuire of the cookies. Anuhea: This cute Polynesian name means Cool Fragrance. 1. It comes from the word faatali, which means to wait, but talia is used often to refer to waiting in anticipation for something big, as in, the Second Coming of the Lord. Anava Samoana is Copyright 2022 by Manaui Media Limited. 3. Raissa. This monicker is said to be a biblical name in Samoa, and this Christian name is said to have the meaning of good Samaritan. Some say that Samaria also has the meaning of sacred., When taking a look at Samoan girl names, one that is definitely at the top of the list is the name Samoa itself. If you click and buy we may make a commission, at no additional charge to you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Lupesina: This is a combination of two Samoan words, Lupe and Sina, which means Dove and Silver., 22. Elisapeta: This lovely name is the Samoan version of Elizabeth. Sefina is a variant of Iosefina (Samoan). 2. Coconut milk baked in taro leaves. This means Sele le tina, or rope the mother..lol. Instead, Ive come up with a list of names that I could imagine getting popular amongst non-Samoans, but names that still have some significance in our culture. 2. As you can see, then, this name has a very simple meaning: Blessing(s) bestowed by God (Heaven)but what makes it so stunning is that it is expressed in Samoas higher, more poetic language mostly only spoken by matai and ministers. 16. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Fui 15. This adoring Samoan name for girls got my liking when I heard it for the first time! Tali'ilagi [talii'lai] 13. In Greek mythology, Ismene (/ s m i n i /; Ancient Greek: , Ismn) is the daughter and half-sister of Oedipus, daughter and granddaughter of Jocasta, and sister of Antigone, Eteocles, and Polynices.She appears in several plays of Sophocles: at the end of Oedipus Rex, in Oedipus at Colonus and in Antigone.She also appears at the end of Aeschylus' Seven Against Thebes. Are you looking for Samoan girl names that lean more towards the unisex side? 6. What does the name Sefina mean? 11. Its since been pretty much re-written. Wiki With the popularity of Wikipedia this name may sound very familiar already. the Tongan form of Alphonso and means eager for war. So yeah I guess when I heard the song again this morning, I was thinking Taliilagi might be a name you could consider? Below is a list of 60 beautiful Somali names for your baby girl and their meanings: Laki: When translated from Samoan to English, Laki means Lucky.. This Tahitian name refers to the rainbow., Tahitian name (masculine), which can be translated as: humility or humble.. Before we get to our list of Samoan baby names for girls, Id like to make a heartfelt suggestion. Hawaiian Cat Names 51 BEST & TOP & CUTE Ideas, How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Without Being Held (9 Proven Tips), How To Increase Nipple Size (2 Proven Methods), Inspirational Quotes About Pregnancy (70+ Quotes For First-Time Moms). We are told her father is Samoan (mother is Hispanic), and according to the social worker, her name is Malaua. To the ultimate buyers explain how donations help the Girl Scouts they are supporting. Hi Geek, its nice to know that I was an inspiration for something, but I shouldnt be taking all the credit, those sleazy names I mean silly names were born from the families of the au kalepes. A great one to consider would be the name Tausaafia. 32. Alani Samoan girls name that means orange fruit. Largest collection of samoa girl names, samoa girl names and meanings, samoa baby girl names. it is believed that the name migrated with foreigners who visited the Pacific Islands a long time ago.
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